Billionaire Games (Standalone) Read online

Page 5

  “Yes. You are. Your face is doing that crazy thing it does. Your eyes squint. Your mouth goes like this.” I poked my own lips out into a pout.

  “I don’t do that.” He let his gaze travel down my body. “Put on your robe.”


  “Because I want to jump on that table and push my dick inside of you. You see this.” He gestured to the bulge in his boy toy shorts.

  Of course he has a big one because God is unfair.

  “Put on your robe,” he said in a low voice.

  The impatient part of me refused to take his orders no matter how logical they really were.

  “I’m not one of your servants.” I sat all the way up, turned completely his way, and spread my legs so he could get a perfect view. “Ask me nicely.”

  He held his chin and rubbed his thumb up and down on his lips. His attention had left me once I opened my legs, his gaze glued to my center. His breathing sounded louder than before as his chest rose up and down. “Your cunt, she’s very enchanting.”

  I moistened just from those words. “She’s happy that you think so.”

  “Can I show her how happy I am that she revealed herself to me?” He inched forward and placed his hands to the sides.

  I focused on breathing in and out. It was such an easy task to do when I had on clothes and stood in front of him. Much harder to do, with my legs wide open and his hungry gaze focused on that area.

  “Did you hear my question, Dawn? Can I show her how happy she made me?”

  “How would you show her?”

  “What did you tell me last night? Do you remember?”

  “No. I remember saying a lot of things.” I chewed the side of my cheek.

  He got on his knees and crawled my way. I turned into a queen in that moment. A goddess in my own right. For only a woman like that could make this man crawl like he was lower than nothing.

  Or is that what he wants me to think?

  “Get off your knees.” My words were shaky. The reality around me was slowly getting foggy. I was starting to forget why I’d said no to having sex with him in the first place. My body said just leave it alone and say yes, but my mind tugged and pushed at my skull.

  “Can I kiss her just a tiny bit?”

  I curled my toes for the third time that day.



  “Is that your answer?”

  Panting, I shook my head. “What was the question again?”

  He grinned and that evil little grin drew my senses out of the cloud of sensual confusion and placed me right back into the game. He inched closer. His face was barely three inches away from my hungry center. He blew a little. That cool breeze brushed over my softness and stirred me all in the right places, but my head was back to working again. Instead of drowning in the ecstasy of him, I relished in the fact that I’d forced an alpha male to his knees and that he still had not gotten his way.

  I’ll have to watch him. He almost got me.

  “No.” I cupped my center. I wished I could’ve said that I didn’t enjoy the slick feel of it against my hand, but then I would’ve been lying.

  “Move your fingers, please,” he whimpered. He actually one hundred percent whined.

  Maybe he’s not playing a game? Or maybe this is the role he’s assuming, the dominated alpha. I can never be too sure.

  “Can you hand me my robe?” I asked. “It’s behind you.”

  “I know where it is.”

  “Then get off of your knees and get it. . .please.”

  “I want to fuck you right now.” He rose and towered over me with closed fists. “Game over. Let me just enter you right here. No one has to know. It could be our little secret and then tomorrow or another day, you and I will start all over again.”

  My jaw dropped. “What?”

  He combed shaking fingers through his brown waves. “Sex. Me and you. I’m just asking for a private session.”

  “A private session?” I smirked. “I don’t believe you wouldn’t count the private session as a win.”

  “Damn you, I’m not playing right now.” His voice rose.

  I flinched.

  “I’m sorry.” He edged away and paced back and forth, his bulge slicing the space in front of him.

  “Are you okay?” I giggled.

  He murmured something incomprehensible.

  “I guess I’ll get my robe myself.” I got off of the bench.

  He ceased with pacing and watched me stroll over to it. “I’ll write you a check and even draw a contract that says this doesn’t count.”

  “That’s silly.”

  “It is not silly.”

  I slipped the robe on and closed it. “I think you’re trying to trick me.”

  “Trust me when I say this. I want to do a lot of things to you right now, but tricking you is not one of them.”

  “Well then let this be a lesson to you.” I wagged my finger at him. “When you lie so much and break so many hearts in your path, don’t blame me for choosing to never believe you or even give you exactly what we both want.”

  “What we both want?” He stared me deep in my eyes. “So you want this dick inside of you, my wicked Dawn?”

  “I would if you were something else.”


  “A man I could love.”

  “But you can’t?”


  “Because I’m not Prince Charming?”

  “Yes.” I tied my robe’s belt into a bow. “Because you’re the asshole that breaks Cinderella’s heart.”

  “I’m not interested in breaking your heart.”

  “But you do hope to break me?”

  Sighing, he placed his hands inside of those fitting shorts and adjusted himself probably so his big length wouldn’t tear through the fabric.

  “Are you going to ignore my question?” I asked.

  “I forgot it.” He frowned.

  “Do you hope to break me, Freddy?”

  “Do you have any idea that when you say my nickname my whole body goes crazy? It’s like an explosion inside of my groin.”

  I sucked my teeth and walked away. “You’re avoiding the question.”

  “Then let me answer it, instead of running away.”

  I stopped, but kept my back to him. “Go ahead.”

  “Yes. I long to break you. It’s all I’ve been thinking about since we ate dinner last night. You’re too sure of yourself and me. Additionally, you make me feel bad about who I am. I don’t like second-guessing myself.”

  I stared off at the ocean as the sky darkened over us. “That wasn’t my intention. I was just stating the truth as I saw it.”

  “Doesn’t matter. You make me feel like a lazy bastard whether you are talking or not, even when I saw you reading those books on the beach I felt dumb.” His voice came closer to me and then I knew he was right behind me. He captured my waist and pressed his hardness against the curve of my behind. “So you ask, if I hope to break you. Hell fucking yes. I want to be lost in you for several hours. I want to destroy you until you can’t see or think about anything else but me. I have to command your body and capture your soul.”

  “That’s a lot,” I muttered. “Why not just hope to fuck me hard?”

  “Because fucking you would never be enough. If I break you, then I’ll know that you’re not as smart as you think, I’ll know that you were wrong the whole time.”

  “Hmm.” I left the top deck shook, but more determined than ever to avoid his advances. “Then may the better man or woman win.”

  Chapter 5


  I probably shouldn't have told her the truth.

  I wasn't sure if admitting that I wanted to break her would help me have sex with Dawn. But as the rest of the date continued, she didn't act differently, just her usual sarcastic humor with a couple of jibes at my masculinity whenever she could get one in. I didn't care. The whole time she attempted to show me her assertiveness she wore a
gown I bought her. It was a gold strapless lace that formed tight all the way to the middle of her thighs and then flared out like a mermaid's tail.

  “And now I'm Ariel, your little mermaid?” she'd said as she left the dressing room.

  I placed my finger against my forehead. “Wait, don't tell me. What was the hero's name? Prince Eric.”

  “I have no idea.”

  “Definitely, Prince Eric.” I captured her hand and enjoyed the warmth of her skin. “The captain says we have fifteen minutes before we dock for dinner.”

  “Where will we be eating at in Miami?”

  “We're not going back to Miami. We're going to Cuba.”

  “Cuba? Have you lost your mind? Are you talking about the country? I thought there were restrictions for Americans to sail there?”

  “Yes. I've heard of some, but remember, I'm not American. For everyone else in the world, it's perfectly fine to sail off to Cuba. I figured it would be a good idea since it's only forty five minutes away from Miami on a boat.”

  “Where are you from?” she asked.

  “My brother’s and my citizenship is with Austria, but for as long as I can remember, I lived everywhere. My mom was from Spain so we visited there a lot too.” I guided her outside. “Let me take you on a tour to pass some time.”

  “Okay.” She looked around. “How many levels does your yacht have?”

  “Four. There's a lower deck with a swimming platform, four bedrooms, a suite that my brother and I fight over, engine room and further away are the crew's living space.”

  “Yikes. That's just the lower deck?”

  “Do you want to know what’s on the main and upper deck? You've already been on the sun deck.”

  She twisted her lips. “Tell me the truth. Is this your thing? Do you usually take a girl on a tour?” She did air quotes for tour.

  “I may have taken a few women on one or two tours.”

  “Typical.” She stuck her tongue at me. “I'd rather not have the traditional impress-the-chick-I'm-hoping-to-bang tour. Let's just sit somewhere and have a glass of wine. Is that okay?”

  Intriguing. Did she decide not to go on the tour to try and unbalance me or was she just annoyed that she wouldn't be the first woman I took on one? Women are crazy.

  She ran her fingertips along the wall as we walked to the dining area on the upper deck. “How much is this monstrosity of lavishness?”

  “My yacht cost several mill.”

  She whistled. “I couldn't imagine spending that much money on one item, let alone having that much in my own bank account. Insane.”

  “Yachts cost way more than this. You should ask my brother about some of the highest ones. He's more into luxury items than me.”

  “How much do you think the most expensive boat is?”

  “Eight hundred million dollars. It has twenty four bedrooms, mini-submarine, and—”

  “Excuse me, did you say a mini-submarine?”

  “Yeah. Crazy right?”

  “Demented. What the hell would anyone need a mini-submarine for? That's just wasting money because the bastard can.”

  “I know, that's what my mother tells my dad all of the time. She absolutely hates that sub.”

  She stopped on my side. “Your dad is the one that owns the eight hundred-million-dollar boat?”

  “Yep. It's why my brother and I move around a lot. We practically grew up on it. I don't think I can even sleep in a bed that's not being rocked by the ocean.”

  “Lucky you.”

  I risked a chance and tugged her close to me. “How lucky do you think I am?”

  “In life, pretty damn lucky. With me, not at all.”

  I’ll break you, Dawn. You’ll eat all of those confident words by the end of the summer.

  We arrived at the desk. Selena, one of my many servers, prepared two glasses of champagne, as usual. She was accustomed to my brother and my games and understood we enjoyed wining and dining our women before honing in to close the deal.

  “Is this a full bar?” Dawn strolled over. Gold lace trailed behind her. She waved at Selena and asked, “Would it be okay if I had a shot of tequila instead?”

  Tequila? Really? That’s not romantic at all.

  Selena paused and turned my way. “Sir?”

  “Sure. That's fine.”

  “Join me,” Dawn suggested.

  What are we, fraternity guys on spring break?

  “No way. I'm not a big drinker.”

  “Then let's do some shots.” She clapped.

  I raised one eyebrow. “Shots? I just told you I don't drink that much, nothing more than wine.”

  “That's pretty shocking. I figured you for a big partier.”

  “Well after enough partying, I've learned that tequila and I don't do well.”

  Smirking, Selena set two shot glasses down and filled them to the brim with brown liquid.

  Dawn seized both and handed them to me. “How about this? For every shot you down, I'll give you a kiss.”

  Oh really?

  “And how long can this kiss be?” I asked.

  “A normal length.”

  “I’m not sure what a normal amount of time is.”

  “Five seconds,” she offered.


  “Oh goodness. Fine. Ten seconds, pervert.”

  “With tongue?”

  She parted her lips. “Just a little, but now you’ve lowered the time of kissing back to five.”

  “I’ll take it. However, for future notice, when you want to kiss me, all you have to do is ask.” I downed a shot and immediately regretted it. Scorching hot fluid burned my throat. It felt like my esophagus was on fire. I hit my chest and coughed.

  Of course, Dawn chugged one like she'd had a cup of water and then set the glass on the wooden surface. “That's one. Can you go another or are your princely panties all jumbled in pain?”

  “Princely panties?” I looked at Selena who was now blushing and doing her best to hide a giggle. “Pour us another, please.”

  She did. Dawn and I swooped ours both down within seconds. This time even Dawn scrunched her face up in horror and looked away.

  Fuck! This stuff is strong.

  Dawn raised three fingers in the air. “One more to make three.”

  She's either an alcoholic or trying to do something sneaky.

  “Are you hoping to get me drunk?” I asked.

  “Most definitely.” She gave me my third shot. “My theory is that if you're at least tipsy, then I can persuade you to take your dominant male persona away for a few minutes. I think it would be fun to actually learn something about Freddy, and not Frederick the all-perfect gentleman with the smooth moves and perfect things to say.”

  “Sorry to disappoint you sweetheart, but the all-perfect gentleman persona remains whether I'm drunk or not.”

  “You're delusional on that matter. Go ahead and do four more. How can anybody remain suave after six shots of tequila? I would love to see this.”

  “Watch.” In less than three minutes, I downed four shots. It wasn't until I swallowed the last shot that I'd realized Dawn wasn't drinking with me.

  She really is trying to get me drunk. Funny.

  I checked the window. The captain had already docked the yacht.

  “Are you going to take any more shots?” I asked.

  “No way. I’m not crazy.”

  So now I’ll be the drunken idiot while you’ll be reasonably tipsy. Great.

  “Let’s eat.” I extended my hand to hers and guided her away from that dangerous bottle of hellish liquid.

  It took us a few minutes to get to the candle light picnic that I'd planned. Although elegantly dressed we walked barefoot. The cool sand formed around our feet. That beautiful gold lace gown trailed along with Dawn as she strolled with me.

  “I feel awful getting the bottom of this dress dirty,” she said.

  “That pretty ensemble was made with the hopes that a sexy woman would wear it in an exotic settin
g. If the designer could see you now, he or she would cry in delight.”

  The alcohol began working on my body. I felt energized and courageous so much that I twirled her around a few times. Dawn laughed and danced with me. “I see the tequila is hitting your system.”

  “Maybe, it’s you that’s hitting my system.”

  “Wow.” She grimaced. “Please stop with the lines.”

  “That wasn’t one.”

  “Then add that to your book of bad lines, buddy. In fact, put it on the first page.”

  “Damn you.” I swung her around fast, her dress rustled near her legs. She stumbled forward and I captured her. “How about you let your guard down for a few seconds and enjoy the evening.”

  “Nope.” She got out of my hold and walked off, but I could tell, something had affected her. Her hips swayed more than usual. A brightening smile spread across a face. With each step, she explored more of the beach.

  Poor Dawn. She’s lost and doesn’t even realize it. I’ll make love to her tonight. Everything is working out the way I planned it.

  Plus, the nature around us was working its magic. Bright stars glittered in the sky while the full moon hovered over us. Dark ocean waves sparkled just right as they swished out a haunting melody. Lit torches guided our way. The wind blew through her hair and I caught a whiff of that captivating perfume she wore.

  I ran up to her and got on her side. “What is the name of your fragrance? It's so feminine and perfect.”

  “Thanks. My mom created it for me. She's a perfumier.” Dawn rubbed her wrist against my nose, probably so I could get a better whiff. “Mom mixed currants, jasmine, rose petals, sandalwood, and get this, pralines.”

  “That's amazing. Do you think she could whip up something for me?”

  “Of course. She likes to meet people, talk with them for a while, and create a scent that she believes tells her about them.”

  “So what does that blend say about you?”

  She tossed her hair over her shoulder. “I have no idea. Maybe I'm feminine like the flowers she used, but also a bit nutty since she dropped in pralines at the end.”

  We arrived toward the end of the path. An old woman sat on a stool several feet away. Slow music filled the air as she strummed a guitar and sang out an old tune in Spanish.

  “Oh my.” Dawn held her hand to her chest while I led her into the picnic area. “This is beautiful.”