Power Read online

Page 6

  My old friend was a smart man. He knew that the only place he’d be safe tonight was at my god son’s house. Junior’s celebration would solidify Domingo’s safety.

  Looks like you’re going to have a few more hours to live, buddy.

  “So were those your parents in that picture in your bedroom?” she asked.


  “I thought it was cute that you had the photo at the side of your bed.”

  I walked in front, so I could adjust my dick and make it less obvious that I was hard.

  “Alrighty,” she said behind me. “I guess that cute couple that looks like you will always be a mystery to me.”

  “Yes. They’re my parents.”

  “Are you a mommy’s boy?” she asked.

  Does she not get who the fuck I am? You don’t ask me shit like that.

  “Come on, boss.” She winked at me. “Mama’s boy?”

  “Yes,” I grunted.

  Why the hell am I answering her?

  “Awww,” she said. “That’s kind of adorable.”

  I stopped and turned around, blocking her from walking further. “I’m not adorable and I’m not your friend.”

  She remained silent, but did her best to maintain the confident look in her eyes. I knew it was an act, because she was smart enough to fear me.

  “Do you understand me?” I asked.


  “Good.” I turned back around and stalked off.

  We got outside.

  I am adorable? She’s fucking ridiculous.

  The full moon hung in the sky. Despite all that had gone on, the city rest at peace. The usual traffic filled the roads. Honking and ambulance sirens went off blocks away. The restaurants and nightclubs surrounding my place had opened. Most of the eateries were Italian. An herby scent of pasta and roasted tomatoes skittered in the air. Pop songs boomed from the florescent lit doorways of every lounge.

  All the night-goers had come out. They were mostly gay men in this section. So most of the pedestrians were male. Many walked hand-in-hand. Dressed impeccably with tailored clothes better styled than mine.

  Because of my no female policy, I’d opened my place around gay clubs, so it wouldn’t look weird when only guys entered and left my building during the day. Rasheed thought it was too much of an effort. Domingo hated homosexuality and avoided coming by as much as possible. He claimed gay people were damned to hell. He judged them even though his murdering ass would be the first one to deal with the devil when his time came. I could care less about who other people fucked and only worried about my own dick.

  Crossing the busy street, I led Mary Jane to my limo outside. My hand at the center of her back. Fingers itching to slide down and cup her lush bottom.

  Several of my men followed. Guns hidden beneath their jackets. Scowls adorned their faces. They scanned the buildings and streets, searching for any sign of Domingo’s or Rasheed’s men. War had been officially declared when Domingo stabbed Rasheed on my property and then escaped. With that action, he’d disrespected me, and sent a message to others that I wasn’t shit. Nothing could save his life now. According to the streets, I’d have to end him. According to my rules, he was definitely a dead man.

  In my limo, Crusher was driving and I had him keep the divider up. The windows were tinted. I could see out, but no one could look in. Besides Mary Jane, I didn’t want any other civilians with me. I would make sure to protect her, but I couldn’t protect others like my usual driver and staff. The club would have to stay closed, too, until everything was settled.


  I held the door open for her and she took her time climbing into the back. It gave me a great view of her soft ass.

  Stop it. Focus on Domingo. Why the hell did I bring her? Well, I couldn’t leave her with Fuji again. And all of the other guys couldn’t be trusted to not hurt, murder, or rape her.

  That was exactly why I kept women out of my game. The men that walked this life tended to be psychos and sociopaths. None of them had rules like me, and something so soft and sweet as Mary Jane would be devoured fast, even if they knew I’d kill them later.

  I slid in next to her and closed the door.

  She glanced my way. Her hands rested in her lap. Every few seconds, she twisted some of the dress with her fingers.

  I handed her the Snicker’s bar. “Here. There’s more junk food coming your way, if you don’t beat anymore of my bodyguards with dildos.”

  “Thank you.” She ripped off the wrapping and did something odd. Instead of taking a simple bite, She turned it in front of her two or three times as if trying to figure out the best place to take the first bite.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  “Checking for the weak spot.”

  “Weak spot?”

  “The weak spot is where there is a perfect ratio of chocolate, nougat, peanuts, and caramel.”

  She decided on a spot on the side of the bar and began to nibble. Again, she grew more strange as she began to eat the outside of the snicker bar first and then commenced to alternating between the top and bottom of the bar with each bite.

  She’s insane.

  When she finished, she licked her fingertips and grinned. “So. . .we’re going to a boy’s birthday?”

  She already knows too much. I’ve just sat there and talked around her with my men like she was mine.

  “Yeah,” I said.

  “What did you get him?”

  I rubbed my forehead. “I guess I’m going to give him a stack of money.”

  “Meh.” She glanced around the limo.

  “You need baby wipes?” I pressed the compartment in the side of the door and pulled one out for her.

  “You keep baby wipes in here?”

  “It’s a quick solution for wiping off blood in a hurry?”

  Silence came as she widened her eyes.

  “Why did you say meh earlier?” I asked.

  “I-it’s just that. . .”

  My head throbbed. “What?”

  “Kids like money, sure, but not as much as opening a box and pulling something new and shiny out.”

  “So what would you get him?”

  “Hmmm.” She twisted her lips to the side. “A Segway board.”


  “It’s like an electric skateboard, but you don’t have to push it. You just have to lean your body different ways and the board will move you there.”

  “Interesting.” I pulled my phone out and dialed Fuji.

  The big guy answered on the first ring. “Yes, Boss?”

  “Go pick up a Segway board and rush it over to the birthday party.”

  “A Segway board?” Fuji asked again.

  “Yes. Get a blue one and make sure it’s wrapped.”


  I hung up the phone. “There. I’ve gotten him something.”

  “Cool.” She tapped her feet continuously, while still twisting her dress’s fabric in her hands.

  “You’re nervous?” I asked.

  “Do you like this dress?”

  “That’s not an answer.”

  She sighed. “Yes, I’m nervous. Of course, I’m nervous. Shouldn’t I be?”

  “Not when you’re with me.”

  “Maybe I’m scared of you.”

  I laughed.

  Annoyance laced her voice. “That wasn’t supposed to be a joke.”

  “However, I caught the punch line. Scared of me? Bullshit. Since I’ve met you, you have done everything possible to piss me off. I doubt you’re scared of me. Maybe afraid of my cock, but damn sure not terrified of the man.”

  She opened her mouth, said nothing, and then shook her head.

  “Say what you have to say, sweetheart.”

  “Why does everything have to be about sex with you?” she asked.

  “Because when I look at you, all I can think of is getting you naked.”

  She turned away and stared out the window.

  “Don’t worry
, sweetheart. I don’t like it either.”

  Her damn phone buzzed again in my back pocket. I pulled it out. The only reason why I continued to look at it was to make sure that none of her family or friends searched for her.

  I checked the text.

  Don’t Answer: Harrold: Call me.

  Don’t Answer: Harrold: Please. I can’t live without you.

  “Another dick pic?” Mary Jane glanced over her shoulder.

  “No. Now, he’s moved on to begging.” I stuffed the phone back in my pocket.

  “Too bad.” She snapped her fingers. “I was really hoping you would cut his dick off.”

  I glanced at her. “Is that what you want?”

  She widened her eyes. “Oh. No. It was just a joke.”

  “You may want to be careful with me. In my world, that’s not a joke. It’s a favor.”

  “Okay,” she whispered.

  Worry hit me. Had I gone too far with that last sentence? My heart started that stupid drumming again. Concentrate on Domingo. Who cares about this chick? But, the worry didn’t leave my chest and my heart continued its drum patter.

  I groaned.

  “What?” she whispered.


  She moved her gaze back down to my dick. It hadn’t lowered at all, if anything it stood up even more, making the fit of my pants uncomfortable.

  She had me walking through my own club and around my own men with an erection that could’ve taken out an eye. The streets will be talking about this tomorrow. “Noah’s losing it,” They’ll say. “He’s let Domingo run around the city free and the whole time, Noah’s been babysitting some square chick.”

  I looked at her and still, she stared at my cock. Her face didn’t reveal disgust or confusion. Desire lingered along her lips and fluttered within her eyes.

  “Stop looking at it.” My voice might’ve been a little louder than I’d wanted it to be.

  “It’s kind of hard not to stare.”

  “Do I have to teach you another lesson?” I asked.

  She had the nerve to give me an I dare you expression.

  Oh, really?

  I’d had enough. Rage didn’t bubble in my veins, but an unrelenting hunger did. And as a matter of fact, I was tired of everyone treating me like I was soft today. In that moment, I decided to be the name that everyone called me.


  There in the privacy of my limo, I brought my hands to my pants, unbuttoned, unzipped, and freed my cock from its prison. “There you go. Here’s a better look.”

  A gasp came from her, but she didn’t turn away or move. In fact, she studied it more. What did she see when she looked at it? Many women told me how pretty my cock was, but most of them just wanted to be a Top Bitch. They might’ve said anything.

  “Are you going to keep it out the entire ride?” she huffed.

  “What do you want me to do?” I said through clenched teeth.

  She sat silent for a few seconds and then she said, “I don’t know.”

  My cock twitched. The tip desperately wanting to be touched. I could feel the pre-cum rising. If she said anything else or moved in a way that jiggled her breasts in that lovely red dress, then I’d have to do something with my cock. Something hard and wild. In my mind, I bent her over in that seat, lifted the dress over her ass, slid her panties to the side, and stroked her insides until she moaned.

  “Do you want to hear a joke?” she asked.

  “There’s a lot of things I want right now, Mary Jane. And it damn sure isn’t a joke.”

  “What do you call the useless piece of skin attached to a cock?”

  “Is it circumcised or un—”

  “You ruin jokes. Did you know that?”

  “Then don’t ask questions that are based on factual scientific data.”

  She shook her head. “Anyway. What do you call the useless piece of skin attached to a cock?”

  I got ready to speak, but she stopped me with her hand.

  “A man.” She beamed. “The useless piece of skin attached to a cock, is a man.”

  “That’s not funny.”

  She glanced back at my length again. “I think it’s funny.”

  “So you’d prefer to get the cock, but not deal with the man?”


  Without thinking, I closed the distance between us, getting all on her side of the seat and placing my face in front of her. I practically climbed on her, but without bearing my weight. Yet my cock poked the space between her breasts and stomach, and I wanted to put the tip right in that smart mouth of hers.

  Like in the hallway, she froze, but without fear. More hunger radiated from her. More desire.

  I placed my hands on her face and kept my balance on my knees so I wouldn’t crush her legs. How crazy I must’ve looked—this big, bad man on top of a small woman.

  I caressed her chin. “Are you scared?”

  She didn’t say anything, but her chest rose and fell as if she’d been running a race.

  “Are you scared, Mary Jane?”

  “I-I think you’re crazy.”

  “That’s not an answer.”

  “I don’t know if I’m scared.”

  I couldn’t help but smile. “Are you afraid of my cock?”

  She bit her bottom lip.

  “Touch it.” I licked my lips.

  “You’re insane.”

  “Touch it.”

  And then she said something I never thought she would. The whole thing was meant to be another asshole move. Something to shut her up. But she had to knock me off of my game.

  In a sexy murmur, she said, “How do you want me to touch it? With my mouth or hand?”

  Dear God! Those are beautiful options.

  That damn question lured the darkest moan from my chest. Horny as hell, my lids drooped a little as if I’d been ready to fall asleep.

  She’s fucking making me crazy.

  “My sweet, Mary Jane. If you were to put that lovely mouth on my cock, I would be obligated to return the favor, and I very much want to lick between your thighs.”

  She shuddered. “You’re insane. You’re just playing around with me. I don’t know what this is supposed to be, but it won’t work.”

  “What won’t work?”

  “You’re trying to dominate me or whatever.” She rolled her eyes. “I’m not afraid of dick. So, you might as well put that back in your pants and get off of my legs, before you flatten me.”

  Fuck. She didn’t mean it. Shit. Okay. Back away. Calm down and back away. Oh, but couldn’t I just let the tip brush her lips as I moved away. Just a little accident. Oh, stop it. What am I, a kid? I FUCKING RUN THESE STREETS!

  “You’re squinting again.” She smirked. “You’re thinking hard.”

  I got off of her, before I violated her mouth and breasts.

  But she wasn’t done talking. “And I may be young and. . .not from your world, but I’m no punk. So, if you think you can scare me with your dick, it won’t happen. You’re better off taking out a gun.”

  “Be careful.” I sat back down in my seat. There was no way my erection would go down by the time we got to the party. Pissed, I didn’t put it back in my pants. “I wasn’t trying to scare you.”

  “Whatever,” she said.


  She rolled her eyes again.

  What is this, Disrespect Noah Day?!

  And then, she did something else that I hadn’t bet on, she slipped the straps down on her dress, pulled down the top a little, and revealed a nice view of cleavage. “Two can play at that game, Noah. And I have way more things to tease you with than you do.”

  Now it was my time to freeze in shock.

  She jiggled her breasts. “Now who’s scared?”

  “Pull the dress down some more,” I whispered.

  “Why? Do you want to touch them?”

  “Please,” I begged.

  She blinked in surprise and I might’ve too. No one made me beg, especially
not in my own goddamned limo. But, there I sat, pleading for just one look at her nipple—the right or the left—I didn’t care which.

  What’s going through her mind? Does she get how much power she has over me right now?

  She tugged the dress down another inch and I groaned in despair. It was still not enough to see a nipple.

  “Come on, sweetheart. Be a good girl.”

  An evil grin covered her face. “Touch yourself.”

  Damn her. She knows she’s got me right now.

  “And if I do?” I asked.

  “You’ll see.”

  Spitting on my hand, I gripped my cock and rubbed the wetness all over my length. Lust roared through me like a fire. My whole body seared with an ache that only her flesh could release.

  “How does that feel?” She licked her lips.

  “Good. So goddamned good.” I squeezed the tip and then returned to stroking. It felt so good. Pleasure throbbed everywhere I touched. I was ready for any command she had for me. Gone was the problem with Domingo or even why we sat in the limo. All I could think about was her and that pussy that she kept hidden under the dress.

  She pulled the dress down a little more. She wore no bra and a hint of dark brown areolas peeked out.

  “More,” I roared.

  She jumped a little, causing those lovely melons to bounce. I couldn’t take it anymore. I dove for her. Buried my face between those soft pillows, kissing each side and yanking the dress down even lower. Her nipples popped out and I devoured each one, grunting the entire time like a pervert.

  “Oooh,” she moaned.

  Oh is right. So you’re just as horny as me? No more scared captor? Now you want my cock as much as I want to give it to you.

  I cupped both breasts with my hands. “I’m going to come all over these. I’m going to ruin this damned dress and then those panties.”

  Panting, she whispered, “I’m not wearing any panties. You only gave me a dress and shoes, not anything else.”

  “Then thank, God for my stupidity.” I lapped at a nipple and squeezed the other one.

  She writhed in my hands, making them bounce and staring at me with her lust-filled doe eyes.

  And then the limo parked.


  The driver’s side sounded like it was being opened.

  Don’t you bring your ass back here, Crusher!

  Mary Jane never noticed. She was too busy enjoying my fingers and slipping her hands close to my dick.